Faculty Department of Nursing

Jackie Harris

Jackie Harris, DNP, APRN-NP, GNP-BC, CNE

Director of Nursing, School of Nursing

Dr. Jackie Harris graduated from Benedictine College in 1998, where she completed an undergraduate degree in biology. 她于2002年毕业于马凯特大学,获得护理学太阳城官网. Dr. 哈里斯于2020年在威奇托州立大学获得护理实践博士学位.

Dr. Harris founded the nursing program at Benedictine College with Dr. Lynne Connelly. Dr. Harris has taught NURS 3120 Clinical Nursing Assessment, NURS 3300 Pharmacology I, NURS 3640 Pharmacology II, NURS 4300 Mental Health Nursing, NURS 4200 Population-Based Health Care, and NURS 4930 Synthesis/Capstone. Dr. 哈里斯拥有超过20年的注册护士经验,最近在艾奇逊社区健康诊所担任执业护士.

Jackie has worked at St. Ben’s Clinic for the Homeless in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Acute Care for the Elderly Unit at Mount Sinai Hospital in Milwaukee, and the Community Care for the Elderly in Milwaukee. She has also worked at the Social Welfare Board in St. 密苏里州的约瑟夫,堪萨斯州艾奇逊的艾奇逊医院和艾奇逊医院.

Jackie has participated in many volunteer and service activities. She was a full-time volunteer in Milwaukee, where she worked with St. Ben’s Community Meal and St. Ben’s Clinic for the Homeless.  Jackie has volunteered with St. Benedict’s Parish in Atchison, coordinated a Little Flowers Girls Club, and is currently serving on the St. Benedict’s Abbey Advisory Board.  2014年,她与本尼迪克特学院一起前往菲律宾进行医疗宣教之旅.

Jackie is married to Dr. David Harris (Benedictine College graduate 1997), Professor in the Economics Department at Benedictine College. They have four children. 在她的空闲时间,她喜欢阅读,烹饪,跑步,花时间与家人和朋友.

Sarah Gillies

Sarah Gillies, MSN, RN, PCCN

Assistant Professor / Skills Lab Coordinator, School of Nursing

Mrs. Sarah Gillies graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing in 2017, and a Master of Science in Nursing Education in December 2022, both from Missouri Western State University. Mrs. Gillies是一名经过认证的渐进式护理护士,拥有高级心脏护理和门诊手术的经验. She also has a passion for palliative and hospice nursing care. 在2021年加入护理学院全职教职员工之前,dr. Gillies在本尼迪克特学院和密苏里西部州立大学担任了几年的兼职临床讲师. 她目前正在俄亥俄州立大学攻读护理教育博士学位.

Angela Voga

Angela Voga, MSN, PMHN-BC, CNEn

Assistant Professor, School of Nursing

Mrs. 安吉拉·沃加(Angela Voga)在社会服务领域工作了19年,现在是第二职业注册护士. 1997年,她在卡尔弗-斯托克顿学院获得心理学和社会学学士学位, Mrs. 沃加在一家家庭暴力庇护所和寄养儿童安置中心担任儿童服务协调员. In addition, she worked as a case manager, 为密苏里州的精神和智力残障人士提供服务, as well as a parent educator with the Parents As Teachers program.

Mrs. 2017年,沃加从密苏里西部州立大学(Missouri Western State University)获得护理学学士学位,成为一名注册护士,实现了她儿时的梦想. Mrs. Voga后来在密苏里西部州立大学和本尼迪克特学院担任住院精神病心理健康护士. Mrs. Voga于2019年获得了州护理委员会颁发的精神科心理健康护士证书,并于2020年获得护理教育理学太阳城官网.

Kristy Callahan

Kristy Callahan, MSN, RN

Assistant Professor, School of Nursing

Mrs. 克里斯蒂·卡拉汉于2022年秋季加入本尼迪克特学院护理学院,成为全职教员. 克里斯蒂卡拉汉是土生土长的艾奇逊,KS,并深深致力于她的社区和家庭. 2014年,Kristy获得了Highland Community College的护理副学士学位. 随后,她在2020年和2022年分别获得了西部州长大学的护理学学士学位和护理教育太阳城官网.

克里斯蒂的大部分专业背景是家庭健康和临终关怀, with hospice being a passion of hers. 克里斯蒂认为,照顾病人的工作是一种特权,教导未来的护士领导以病人为中心的整体护理的重要性是一种祝福.

Violet Gomes

Violet Gomes, DNP, APRN-NP, FNP-C

Assistant Professor, School of Nursing

Dr. Violet Gomes于2009年5月毕业于威奇托州立大学,获得护理学学士学位. 她于2020年5月从海斯堡州立大学毕业,获得护理实践博士学位. Dr. 在过去的14年里,戈麦斯拥有丰富的护理经验,她曾在儿科工作过, Maternal Infant & Child, Medical/ Surgical Units and Public Health. Dr. Gomes拥有超过14年的护理经验,她最近在Leavenworth县卫生部门担任公共卫生执业护士. Dr. Gomes教授NURS 4200和基础实验室以及其他指定的课程.

Matt Davis

Matt Davis, BSN, RN

Instructor / Simulation Coordinator, School of Nursing

Matt Davis, 2015年毕业于圣玛丽大学,获得护理学学士学位. 他开始了他的护理生涯在骨科/神经/创伤单位过渡到心脏降压单位在不同地区的医院. He has also held administrative positions such as, Performance Improvement Coordinator, Trauma Coordinator, and Stroke Coordinator. 他花了一年的时间在高地社区学院的模拟协调员之前加入护理学院的本尼迪克特学校作为他们的模拟协调员在2022年的秋天. 他目前在西部州长大学攻读护理领导与管理理学太阳城官网.

Cassie Madden

Cassie Madden, MSN, RN, PED-BC

Assistant Professor, School of Nursing

Mrs. Cassie Madden is a second career nurse. 她在恩波里亚州立大学获得了语言交流艺术学士学位,并从事销售工作,直到决定留在家里照顾孩子并经营一家家庭日托所. In 2014 Mrs. Madden began her nursing career, 将她的新职业与她对孩子的热爱结合起来,在产后工作, pediatrics and NICU. 她继续在西部州长大学攻读护理学太阳城官网.

In her spare time, Mrs. Madden enjoys spending time outside with her family.

Katharine WeissFairchild

Katharine WeissFairchild

Administrative Professional, School of Nursing

Mrs. Katharine WeissFairchild joined the School of Nursing in January 2022. She received a Bachelor of Science in Speech & Hearing Sciences from The University of Washington, 并于1995年获得堪萨斯大学听力学太阳城官网. For over 10 years, Mrs. Fairchild曾在私人诊所担任听力学家,并与提供听力评估和合适助听器的医生一起工作.

Mrs. 在她的家庭成长后,费尔柴尔德过渡到行政专业职位,现在很高兴她可以在本尼迪克特学院恢复医疗保健领域的工作.

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